I took over 2300 photos, and I am in the process of editing them and compiling an online gallery. I will post a link when that process is done, and you will be able to enjoy even more photographs that we did not have the time and space for on this blog. Also, there will be an article in the next KCUMB Communicator magazine, and that is due to go to press in late March/early April.
Monday, February 27, 2012
DOCARE 2012 - Home sweet home
I took over 2300 photos, and I am in the process of editing them and compiling an online gallery. I will post a link when that process is done, and you will be able to enjoy even more photographs that we did not have the time and space for on this blog. Also, there will be an article in the next KCUMB Communicator magazine, and that is due to go to press in late March/early April.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Donating what's left
This will probably be the last post from Guatemala. We leave the hotel tomorrow morning at about 5:30. We all had a great time, but we're also looking forward to a normal schedule and our own beds. Adios from Antigua!
A shout out
This blog is a shout out to all of our students who not only saw patient after patient, day after day in cramped and often dirty spaces but they also lugged around box after box of medical supplies from site to site, never complaining. It's also a shout out to our student leaders who helped mastermind the trip and who put in a LOT of extra hours and effort preparing all of us for the experience. The KCUMB student leader was Jaclyn (Jackie) Allred (2nd photo). The UMKC student leader (3rd photo) was Sarah Beck.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
And the doctor's office is closed...
After today's clinic closed, we went to a nearby water park for a Guatemalan lunch, laying in the sun, and for a few of us, a quick dip in the pool. We have one full day left in Guatemala before we head home on Saturday. We'll cram in as much fun as we can for the next 36 hours!
And you thought your place was small.
Street scenes
A street concert greeted us upon arrival today. I'm not sure if it was specifically for us, but it was a great welcome. The music was awesome, but unfortunately we had to ask them quit, or at least turn down the volume, because our students could not hear anything through their stethoscopes.
Later that morning, I headed across the street to a tortilla "factory." I watched them make handmade tortillas on the spot. Just outside their shop I spotted this customer along with her two kids waiting for their order.
To my friends who are still in Guatemala...the re-introduction into life in the U.S. will be easy in some ways (like putting your head on your own pillow for a quiet night's sleep) and difficult in others (like finding yourself daydreaming, reflecting on your experiences which will seem somewhat like a dream). I'm realizing that there were definitely some things that will stick with me forever and I'd love to hear from you about what you'll remember forever. The top two images are seared in my mind...the day when we turned that last corner of our 3-hour drive and all gasped at once when we saw the crowd eagerly waiting for us. The bright colors and the bright smiles will be another long-lasting memory. Cortney and I look forward to gathering and sharing our students' perspectives on the trip and we'll do so in a variety of ways so thanks to all of you in advance!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Eyes wide open
2... The way the sunlight filtered through this guy's hat caught my eye from across the courtyard, and I raced closer to get a photo before the moment passed.
3... This situation struck me as humorous - a med student playing with numbers while sitting at a table and chair designed for kindergartners (he's actually organizing the patient numbers that a handed out to pharmacy patients).
MInor surgery
Of course, most screenings were quite routine, and we did about the normal number today, around 350.
Morning traffic
Four groups working as 1
Several posts ago, Cortney mentioned that in addition to our amazing, wonderful students and faculty, we've had three other wonderful groups join us on our journey in Guatemala this year. From top to bottom, those groups include: University of North Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine, UMKC and Touro University Nevada College of Osteopathic Medicine and School of Physician Assistant Studies. From Day 1, we were all one big happy group working together like we had known each other for years. That coordination and shared respect is a key in maximizing the number of patients seen and by my count, that total number has to be somewhere over 2,300. Wow! What an impact!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
The light patient load today allowed us to knock off a little early, and we were treated to a special dinner and evening out by Acidico, the Guatemalan organization that helps guide our efforts on our DO Care missions. They largely determine which communities we will visit, and they make sure that the facilities we use are prepared for our arrival. They also help procure supplies and equipment that we cannot bring with us from the United States, like the wheelchairs that we gave away yesterday.
Essentially, Acidico is a cultural foundation that helps provide health care and education to the poorest people of Guatemala. Tonight they recognized our efforts with a delicious traditional Guatemalan meal, and we returned the favor with a monetary donation collected from individuals on this trip. I don’t have the total amount raised as of the time of this blog post, but many of us donated at least $10. I will find out later and let you know.
Before dinner we had a chance to just relax and read a book or sip a beverage. Many of us participated in a pick-up soccer game, and WOW, these guys are competitive! We weren’t able to finish the game before dinner, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the game is continued at some other time and place on this trip (just like Catch Phrase on the bus).