Thursday, February 2, 2012

¿Habla Español?

Today was the first session of a crash course in Medical Spanish. Students were divided into groups based on their Spanish language skills: beginner, intermediate or fluent. Eduardo Garcia, M.D., assistant professor of pathology, and students Katie Turner and Renato Aller-Zumaeta led today's sessions.


  1. Where did you fall Cortney - beginner, intermediate or fluent?

  2. I am a beginner, in the truest sense of the word. I know some social greetings, numbers, and a few random vocabulary words, but nothing terribly useful for having a conversation with someone in Spanish. Talk to me at the end of the month - maybe I'll become an intermediate!

  3. Here are the phrases that got me through my trip to Spain.
    Por favor hable más despacio
    Donde esta el bano?
    Este hombre pagará por todo :)
